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Fundamental Electronics
Breadboard Connections
Resistor Color Codes: 4- and 5-band
ELEGOO Starter Kit Information + Tutorials
Coding Terms and Definitions
- Variables: a method to store numerical information as a word, such as led = 13
- int: a whole number value, such as 1, 13, or -5
- float: a decimal value (also called a floating point number), such as 1.5, 3.14, or -6.0
- Functions: blocks of code that do something, usually defined by their name; identified by a specific word followed by two parentheses (examples below)
- void setup(): a function that runs one time when the Arduino is powered on or reset
- void loop(): a function that runs a block of code as fast as possible, up to hundreds or thousands of times per second, as long as the Arduino is ON
- Function arguments: special values that are included inside parentheses when a function is used
- pinMode(variable, INPUT/OUTPUT): a function that tells the Arduino if a physical component will receive (INPUT) or send (OUTPUT) data from/to the real world
- digitalWrite(variable, HIGH/LOW): a function that sends a 1 (HIGH) or 0 (LOW) signal to a component, such as turning ON or OFF an LED
- delay(time in milliseconds): a function that delays the next instruction by a number of milliseconds; helpful for slowing down the process of the Arduino
- digitalRead(variable): reads the value of a digital input, such as a Pushbutton
- analogWrite(variable, value): sends a specific value to an output pin, usually a PWM, that emulates an analog output; often used to fade LEDs
- analogRead(variable): receives input from an analog device, such as a potentiometer, joystick, or photoresistor
- Symbols: special characters that tell our computer how to read certain lines of code
- ””( )”“: opening and closing parentheses follow a function name, and often include arguments for a function to use
- ””{ }”“: opening and closing curly brackets contain instructions for functions setup() and loop() as well as other special functions
- ”;”: the semicolon closes a line of code and informs the computer to move on to the next instruction
Arduino Copy-Paste Code